Saturday, May 26, 2007

finali its done!thkz 2 so lost wif tis new blogger.(my last post is lyk last aug?)

went 2 wenfeng's sch 4 mit-the parent session.wilson went wif mi 2 accompany mi.godma n evybodi werent at hm.3 of us were lyk chattin singing joking ytd n slp late ->ovrslept n ended up gotten 22 as out num.n we were the last to c the tchers.we waited for 3 hrs!!freaking 3 hrs.went for lunch in btw n evn tot tt we will b late.n the stupid maths tcher,wana go hm den dun wan to tok to mi."wad i wana sae is the same as the rest of the tcher."waste my tym. anw, didi prm 2 stdy hard n nt playing al the tym.

Lazy wilson's stil unwilling 2 go to the gym wif us=(
muz stdy hard now n exercise hard!slim down!!!enjoy aerobics durin sports n we haf 1 month break aft the nx lessons.



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