Thursday, November 29, 2007

thou had fun playing captain's ball with classmates.
and turn up for stats tutorial with all the bad body odour.
was funny when mary asked us to do 2 ques from the tb.
mary: those who brought your tb, do it. those w/o, just sit there and do nothing.
class: none of us brought our tb!
united hur 1mo3.only class who have no tb at all.

the BAD part of the day comes shortly after.
during cbio lecture.
WE, 9 of us,(more than half of the class) skipped it, and most of us tapped our card.
and, the course manager was there to check!
4 of us, namely lec,leh,tis and me tried to get in, peeped from the backdoor.
but too bad, wj told us that our class's attendance was marked!!
skip ytd and they came ytd.

asked koonkit what happened during the lect.
koonkit: when come to your class, everybody laughed and your class guys were like GG!

label: 1mo3 simply rawks!-thou i think most lecturer dislike our class.aha



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