Thursday, June 21, 2007

bk fm work ytd morn.slept for 4 hrs,den mit for muse-a night 2 rmb!(ACJC's concert). almost late,gladys n i wr so tired aft wk.
onli lyk some of the songs they played ytd, bt i enjoyed the various ensemble.esp. the clarinets and the brass.awesome!THUMBS UP for em(=
too bad liangjie isnt thr, tld him i luv their ensemble. hweva the last muse do nt haf al tis.he went 4 tt,bt nt tis.
xaria was feelin v. hungry durin the concert n ended up hvn swts 2 ease the hungriness. it wun b of ani hlp my dear.haha.despite the fact tt its alrdy 11pm, n we've gt nt much money 2 tk cab wif nite fare, we stl went 2 eat mac. din tink of the consequence,jux wana eat.phew..we stl manage 2 catch the train.n tada!im hm.

wen we wen 2 wk the dae b4,wana go to the place we did for the 1st dae,its alrdy sad! ended up being a QA.checking al the end products b4 al the boxes r sealed.highclass job hur.haha. we reject em if sth's wrong or missing. argh..12 hrs at tis line is so hard 2 pass..feelin so tired-some of em act. fell aslp ard 4-5am..shiok hor..evn gladys.i haf no tym 2 slp!wen line 2 stop production, i was sent 2 line 1 to check,n then bk 2 line 2 wen they operate again.cnt tahan la..for mi. work at let's clap restaurant for 12 hrs is evn beta dan hr-to mi ba. n speed reali count. nt onli hafta check it thoroughly,mkn sure tt evytink in the hp boxes r thr n that correct manual charger blah blah r in thr..we hafta do it so quickly. my line onli haf 2 person 2 check..!we hafta check so fast,if nt evytink wil jux pile up.wana quit wif immediate effect bt duno whether isit feasible.

oh ya,i rmbed thr's 2 hp model wif such gr8 diff.(as in the no. of stuf inside the box)thr's,one wif onli a hp,charger,2 manual,batt n the bk cvr inside the box,tts of 6 items.-ez to check.thr's another one wif 5 manual/bks inside.n 4 othr smaller ones.9 books in total.earpiece,charger,memory stick,battery,bk casing,hp pouch, items al tgt.the box is so heavy n diff. 2 pack,cux u hafta squeeze evytink in!



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