Saturday, June 16, 2007

went out wif gladys 2dae!finali,hr hol!haf quite a num of things to update abt.
met hr at je mrt,n wen she reach,she suggested to tk to boonlay den to bugis,den haf seats.(hafta tk additional 6 stations)dumb dumb.she did tis again wen we went bk fm bugis.
jux went we reach bugis st. , a bunch of guys approached us,asking(or shd i sae 'forcing'us?)4 donation,sayin donate we gif u free stickers.haha.they do haf a sense of mani ppl surrounded us,wad can we do,hax.anw,its onli cents.n al wana gif us stickers,ended up wif so mani tis is sth gd,at least we wun b pestered by sum othr ppl 2dae alrdy.peace.

went to buy tis top,den muz go wif sth inside wan. the shop assistant said'u can wear tube inside,sexy'..we wr laughing..*tube=sexy???..tis remind mi of liangjie.liangjie:tube wif jeans is nt bao lu at al..!!=pPp.

aft tis went to the coffeeshop nearby 2 eat-owaes go thr eat wen i was younger,wen my relative's ktv is nearby.then saw another thing tt remind us of liangjie again. the frog!he'a afraid of it.its slimy.heez.note:he's a chef-to-be.he haf 2 ovrcum tis one dae.too bad,we cant b the 1 2 hlp him ovrcum tis,we too r afraid of it.

oh ya!b4 tis,we went to the library. overwhelmed by the exibition.-we r both so interested in sci facts n diseases-related stuf(tis is wad the exibition is al abt).b4 tt,i was lking ard for dictionary->to search 4 the meaning of assignment ques,2 knw whether the facts r nided.we search ard the library 4 dict. bt 2 no avail. until 1 of the library assistance showed us.a few b4 him pointed diff. directions 2 us.we stayed at the exibition 4 mre than an hr-stupid us. tryin 2 ans the ques gvn.we gave up in da end,stl cant get the ans 4 the last ques=(.walking ard wif a piece of ppr lyk 2 ignorant small kids lkin 4 fun,playin ard wif the quizez.mayb we wr deprived of childhood-dats y.

to be a better man..(by robbie william)we act. sang tis sentense tgt at the same tym!we wana sing 2 each othr at the same tym.gr8 mind tinks alike?unbelievable.

tym to go bk aft a lng dae!once again,she suggested 2 tk towards pasiris,den chg halfwae,bk to boonlay.gues wad,wen we wr bk to bugis,they wr seats available.(4 those whu dun udrstd,we wil haf seats evn if we din tk 2 aljunied)the dae ends hr,ive used up my spending.saw a bottom which i lyk v. much,bt hafta wait 4 daddy 2 send mi money,went 2 the atm mani tyms,bt stl,he hvn send,shd b gg bk 2 gt it tmr=).shal start saving again wen sch starts.



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