Sunday, April 27, 2008

class mo3 still rawks!
immuno lect, inter-class quiz thingy
we ONLY ans one ques-the ques which oher classes couldn't ans,
and we donate the point to other class.
how cool and generous is this?
and a big ZERO to our class.
cool shit!
either be the first or the last.
last shall we be, zero all the way.

NPSC camp is over.
quite a fun one with the super hyper 'gangsters'
with him-oh man, super entertaining!
and the super dirty skit by our grp was done succeessfully!
it kept the audience laughing.(y)
never have i expect pistol to be harder than rifle,
and heavier.
before you can even shoot,
your hand start shaking, and you cant even aim
thou i suck at it, its quite fun. =D



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