Tuesday, July 10, 2007

pardon mi 4 nt updating my blog on a regular basis.im jux lazy in nature.cnt blame.heez.
al i can rmb was tt i attended the SYF opening last sat n it was awesome!hvn 12 pri sch bands combined as one to pfm an item.thumbs up!
n for the rest of the daes,i was jux hvn my daily routine, gg 2 sch in the morn,cumin bk in the evenin, eat, watch tv, n slp!My life is jux so boring!n nw, wads piling up are al the projects n assignment n soon,in 4 wks tym,its our exam.hopefuli i can pass al of em n nt retake of these module.it reali suks if i hafta do so..um..n tada!it wil den b followed by a 2 months hol(=couples of frenz 2 catch up wif for i din haf the chn 2 do so durin the last hol.2 wks is insufficient. delphine, andy, yuan yuan?yea..it has been ages since i last met u guys.
delphine: my besties in pri sch, 4 some reasons, we din contact durin sec sch life.n yea!we catch up once again!
andy: the joker in my pri sch class. same-din contact aft we left the sch.hweva, we act. wk in the same wkplace half yr ago n started to contact aft since.
yuan yuan: being older dan mi, she tks care of mi in pri sch. hvn fun solving maths ques tgt(=
p6 class: nobodi organise ani outing b4 aft we left the sch evn though mani wr keen.
jackson tham!ure responsible 4 tis.can gt ur pei pei 2 hlp u.
gr ambassadors: we gather once last yr(i tink?)4 their pfm at istana park. wen's the nx?



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