Tuesday, December 25, 2007


xmas eve at mr simon ng's house.
we arrived early to help with the decorations.
Done by rong & ah liang. the artists.
some credits to daryl also(=

done mainly by robin.
xinfang have done her part too, by shaking her legs on the comfy seat=p
'you can draw snowman, raindeer blah blah'=DD

being a band instructor and being a housewife.
which is the easier job?
asking the children of some,
papa's or mama's job easier?

papa: better say papa, if not i dont send you back later.
mama: listen to me, then i buy you christmas present.
papa: dont worry! i just got my cheque!

a(female): what you do when baby cry?
b(male): they want cry, just let them cry la
a(female): what you do when your kids dont want to study?
b(male): dont want study, then dont study la
a(female): kids, heard that?papa say dont have to study,
b(male): that is if they dont want to study, but they want to study=)
hahaha.this was hilarious.

heard that connie they all were there ytd too,
but unfortunately, they went to the next door,
didnt get to see them.
nat said it was very crowded next door,
so we decided to stay put in the more spacious house((=

went to clarke quay with darren, ah liang, rong, robin, terence and daryl.
slacked at coffee club.
first time there, thou given the wide variety of drinks,
i sticked to iced latte.
uh uh, not that nice.
delifrance's iced latte is still the best so far.

sinful to have supper there!
us, putting calories into our mouth,
and daryl losing calories every now and then,
riding his bike here and there.
when he's alr very skinny!

from bp to dont-know-where then to clarke quay.
from clarke quay to timah.
from timah to somewhere else.
his speed is almost the same as us even though we took cab!

pooled at timah with them.
darren's good.
lucky him to be able to get in at the age of 12.

it was daybreak unknowingly.
back home in the morning,
and out to meet marco.
and finally be back home at 5pm and zzzzzzzzzz.
that concludes my xmas((=
thanks to all for all the wishes and gifts.



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