Tuesday, December 11, 2007

yes!2 papers's down.
but uh uh.
marks here and there were gone.
7 marks for missing a ques is ))=
so wasted!cant stop brooding over it.
miss zou gong so much.
never get to meet him- deprived of sleep.
inpromtu-met up with lec, wj and neo before cbio paper.
around 1am?
total crap, paper was at 3pm can!
and wj actually came with a pair ofstylish slippers
couldnt fall asleep at neo's place.

too bad he wasnt drooling or anything.
if not, heh heh heh(=
lec better be becareful also=pP
and also to all my other classmates.

lec gave her first time to me again.
and that was to play bridge.
can you imagine we were playing cards instead of studying?
she, playing cards is like the me, reading comics.
soo kuku!what's blackjack?
gosh, i really cant believe that¬!

anyway, we continued this battle the next day,
which was before stats paper.
yawn.. that explains why im blogging only like now?
some others caught sleeping=DD

distorted face of mine taken by weijie.
see, i have my own unglam pic here!being fair.
and the exam hall for stats.
nice! have to brush up my photography skills thou.
its abit too cold. wonder how lec can tahan without jacket.
thurs, sentosa with classmates.
till friday. hopefully, most will turn up.



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